Sunday, May 18, 2008


This will be short.

I suffer from a great deal of pride.  Knowledge comes easily to me and always has.  Knowledge usually leads to pride as far as I am concerned.  This summer and thereafter I want to seek something so much more.  Wisdom.  A true Godly sense of wisdom,  seeking this will be my constant prayer.  Anyways, back to the issue of pride.  I recently discovered the blog of John Piper and others at  One of the most popular blogs was entitled "Be a Kinder Calvinist."  It is a good article about a truly pressing issue, especially in my heart.

I did not know that I was a Calvinist until last summer when I was closely studying the book of Romans and listening to a series of sermons on it by Tom Nelson.  (Check out his church, Denton Bible if you happen to live in the Denton area.)  It was a truly enlightening time learning about God's grace in a whole new light.  I have so much more to learn about the character of Christ but sometimes I feel as if I know so much and this can be damaging to myself and to others I come into contact with.  The point that I am getting at is that the opposite of pride is humility and a sense of true humility ought to always be at the forefront of our minds as we discuss the nature of God.

Before we become too heated and replace the gospel with Calvin we ought to think of Christ and His perfect example of humility.  He was sinless, at the right hand of the Almighty and came to earth to become a man, to be tortured and to die in our place.  What an example of humility!  It shames me to tears.  

Be loving towards your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Humbly yours,


Oo and the article I was talking about can be found at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put. I empathize. I think that with certain gifts come certain temptations. Arrogance and pride often come with intelligence.

Tolstoy: "For a truth to be heard, it must be spoken with kindness. Truth is kind only when it is spoken through your heart with sincerity."

I've come a long way with pride & kindness the last few years, but I know I have a long way to go.

I actually wrote about wisdom in a recent blog. I can't remember what I said, but I'm sure it was good. (Just kidding.)